Analisis Pencegahan Pencurian Saldo Bank saat Menggunakan Aplikasi Bank Online
As existing technology develops, almost all the activities we do via the internet. In this case the internet has a big influence on the survival of today's society. We can now do all the activities that we usually do outside the home via the internet. One example is When we want to use our money at the bank, we have to withdraw the money first at the ATM to be able to use the money. But with advances in technology now, through the available applications, we can use the money without having to withdraw it through the ATM. By using the application provided, we can use the money. online, such as shopping and so on. However, when using it, we have to be careful, bank application users often lose their balance because they are not careful when using the application. There are many things that need to be paid attention to in order to use the application properly and safely. pay attention to how to use it.
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