Barang dan Jasa Publik
In Indonesia, most of the education system has been privatized by the government, so that education is no longer completely considered a public good. This can be seen from the number of private schools, both local and international, that have sprung up in various regions. This research uses qualitative methods by collecting data from documents such as relevant books and journals. The data analysis process involves collecting, reducing, presenting and discussing data before drawing conclusions. The research results show that education can function as a public good as well as a private good. As a public good, education supports the production of other public goods because it is provided free of charge, universally, and equally. However, education can also be considered a private good because of competition to obtain quality education. This competition should be based on intelligence and intellect, not solely on money or social status. Thus, education in Indonesia reflects the duality of its role as a public good that must be accessed by all levels of society and as a private good that demands healthy competition to get the best education. Through this qualitative approach, this research emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between public and private aspects of the education system, ensuring that fair and equal access is maintained while still encouraging healthy competition based on meritocracy.
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