Analisis Penggunaan Uang Digital Sebagai Pengganti Uang Tunai di Indonesia

Sekar Widyamada Pitaloka, Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution


This research aims to determine the use of digital money as a substitute for cash in Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative method using library research to obtain research data produced in the form of descriptions and analyzing collections of journals related to the use of digital money. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the influence of digital money in Indonesia is currently very positive. Because the use of digital money continues to increase every year. The use of digital money really helps people make transactions without the need to exchange cash which can spread the virus from person to person through paper cash. Even though the use of digital money for transactions cannot completely replace payments using cash in Indonesia, at least the use of digital money in transactions can reduce and reduce price increases due to the decrease in the amount of cash (coins and paper money) in circulation..


E-Money, Economy, Cash

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Journal of Sharia Economics Scholar (JoSES)

ISSN : 2302-6219