Peran Sistem Informasi Dalam Mengambil Keputusan

Rohid Akbar, Muhammad Irwan Padli Nasution


Information systems have an important role in the rational decision making process which requires a deep understanding of the problem and knowledge of various alternative solutions. Better decisions can be made by providing accurate, timely and relevant information. Information quality is determined by three factors: accuracy, timeliness and relevance. In the decision making process, there are several elements that must be considered seriously. First, the purpose of decision making must be clear and well understood. Second, it is necessary to identify various alternative decisions to overcome the problems faced. Third, it is necessary to calculate circumstances that cannot be predicted in advance or are beyond our control, such as events that cannot be controlled. Finally, it is important to consider the tools and means used to correct and measure the results of decision making.


information system, decision.

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Journal of Sharia Economics Scholar (JoSES)

ISSN : 2302-6219