Tiwi Safira Sani, Yurina Yurina


This study aims to determine the effect of ongoing exports and inflation on Indonesian foreign exchange reserves. The data used in this study was in the form of time series from 1985 to 2021 which data was obtained from World Bank and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). In this study, the data analysis was used using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The results of this study infer that the export of onion short has a positive and significant influence on Indonesian foreign exchange reserves, while in the long-term ongoing exports have positive influences but are not significant to foreign exchange reserves. Then the inflation variable in the short term has a positive and significant effect on foreign exchange reserves, while in the long term, inflation has a negative and insignificant effect on foreign exchange reserves. So based on the results of the study, it is advisable to further increase the ongoing exports to increase foreign exchange reserves and control inflationary rather than foreign exchange reserves can increase.


Foreign Exchange Reserves, Export Onions, Inflation.

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