Khoyrul Lisa, Reza Juanda


This research aims to analyze and explain: (1) the effect Export on the Gross Regional Domestik Product (GRDP) 5 Provinces on the Island of Sumatera (case study agricultural sector); (2) the effect Informal Labor on the Gross Regional Domestik Product (GRDP) 5 Provinces on the Island of Sumatera (case study agricultural sector);(3)the effect Export and Informal Labor on the Gross Regional Domestik Product (GRDP) 5 Provinces on the Island of Sumatera (case study agricultural sector);the research used secondary data in the from of a combination of cross section and time series data (panel data), with the research time from to 2015-2021. The method of analysis used is panel data regression with randem effect model. The result of this research indicate that: (1) the variable Export has a negative and no effect  on the Gross Regional Domestik Product (GRDP) 5 Provinces on the Island of Sumatera (case study agricultural sector);(2) the variable Informal Labor has a positive and significant effect on the Gross Regional Domestik Product (GRDP) 5 Provinces on the Island of Sumatera (case study agricultural sector);(3) the variable Export and Informal Labor have no effect on the Gross Regional Domestik Product (GRDP) 5 Provinces on the Island of Sumatera (case study agricultural sector);


Export; Informal Labor; GRDP; Agricultural Sector; and Panel DataArsyad, L. (2010). Ekonomi Pembangunan (Edisi Ke-5). UPP STIM YKPN. Badan Pusat Statistik. (2021). Distribusi PDRB Menurut Lapangan Usaha berdasarkan Provinsi di Pulau Sumatera. Bps.Go.Id Gu

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