Geographic Information System for Mapping Drug Abuse Areas in Lhokseumawe City Using the Average Linkage Method

Icut Syintia, Wahyu Fuadi, Zara Yunizar


Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia where the development of drug abuse has increased. The system that runs at BNN Lhokseumawe City in recording data and information about drug abuse cases has not been integrated with the mapping of drug abuse areas. Therefore, BNN and Lhokseumawe City Police need a drug abuse area mapping system in the Lhokseumawe City area. This research aims to build a webgis-based geographic information system using the Google Maps API for map visualization. The data mining method used is Average Linkage, clustering is done based on the number of cases, number of suspects and population in each sub-district in Lhokseumawe City. Cluster 1 consists of 1 sub-district, namely Banda Sakti, which in cluster 1 has a relatively high average value compared to clusters 2 and 3 so that it is included in a very vulnerable level. In cluster 2 consists of 2 sub-districts, namely Muara Satu and Muara Dua, because this cluster has a medium average value compared to clusters 1 and 3 so that it is included in the vulnerable level. Whereas the cluster in cluster 3 consists of 1 sub-district, namely Blang Mangat, which in cluster 3 has a relatively lower average value than clusters 1 and 2 so that it is included in the moderately vulnerable level.


Drug Abuse; WebGis; Google Maps API; Average Linkage

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