Implementation of the Profile Matching Algorithm to Identify Outstanding Students at Pesantren Modern Misbahul Ulum

Moulana Luthfiah, Bustami Bustami, Fajriana Fajriana


This research aims to design a decision support system to identify outstanding students at the Misbahul Ulum Modern Islamic Boarding School. Although determining outstanding students is done by taking the average score from all aspects of the criteria, the evaluation process which is still carried out manually takes quite a long time. Therefore, a computerized decision support system is needed to help make decisions more efficiently and accurately. This system was developed using the PHP programming language. The aim of this research is to overcome obstacles in recognizing outstanding students at the Misbahul Ulum Modern Islamic Boarding School by applying the Profile Matching Algorithm. This method can provide the best data by comparing alternative values and predetermined criteria. This research contributes to the development of educational technology and facilitates the introduction of outstanding students at the Misbahul Ulum Modern Islamic Boarding School. By determining the criteria aspects, determining the weight value of each aspect, finding the GAP value, and carrying out a ranking process, this research produces objective results. Involving 252 students from grades 7-11, this research produced a final grade for each student. The calculation results show that Zikril got the highest score, while Asma Biwi got the lowest score.


System; Profile matching; php

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