Gambaran Student Well-Being pada Siswa dayah Modern Sekota Lhokseumawe

Enodiantasia Harahap, Dwi Iramadhani, Cut Ita Zahara


This study aims to look at the description of student well-being in modern dayahstudentsinLhokseumawecity.Dayahstudentsarestudentswhocarryoutformal education while studying religious knowledge by participating in daily activities in schools and living in dormitories or pesantren. This study used a quantitative approach with a survey method to collect data from 400 students. The instrument used was a questionnaire that included questions about student well-being that the researcher developed himself. The results showed that the majority of students have moderate student well-being, which means that the well-being of students is quite good in their school community. Then based on the type of achievement, scholarships and gender have student well-being in the moderate categorization, which shows that men and women have the same student well-being. Then based on 2 dimensions, namely intrapersonal and interpersonal, it is in the moderate category, where students canfulfill their welfare based on aspects quite well


Student well-being, dayah student, modern dayah, Lhokseumawe

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