Perbedaan Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Mahasiswa yang Aktif Berorganisasi dengan Mahasiswa yang Tidak Berorganisasi

Khairiyati Khairiyati, Riza Musni, Ika Amalia


This research This research aims to determine the differences in academic procrastination between students whoare active in organizations andstudents whoare not. The research method used is a quantitative research method with a comparative research design which aims to determine differences in academic procrastination. Data was obtained through an academic procrastination questionnaire. The subjects in this research were 192 studentswhowereobtainedbasedontheincidentalnon-probabilitysamplingmethodwhere the selection of sample members was based on chance, anyone who met by chance could be used as a sample. The research results show that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no difference in academic procrastination between students who are active in organizations andstudents whoare not. This isbecause students whoare actively organized and students who are not organized both have high academic procrastination. Academic procrastination is caused by unclear time management, therefore these individuals have uncertainty about priorities and goals.


Students, Organizations, Academic Procrastination

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