Hubungan Kepribadian Five Factor Model dengan Stres Kerja pada Karyawan PT Ekspedisi X Medan
This study aims to see the correlation between the five factor model personality and work stress of PT Expedition X Medan employees. This study uses a quantitative approach with incidental sampling technique. The subjects in this research were 152 employees of PT Expedition X Medan. Data in this study obtained through the work stress scale and the five factor model personality scale. Data analysis in this study used the Spearman correlation technique. The study results show that there is no correlation between the five factor model personality and work stress of PT Expedition X Medan employees. The majority of employees had low work stress and five factor model personality, with a percentage of of 37.9% in work stress and 32.5% in five factor model personality. In this study, it was also found that three factors of the five factor model personality, namely neuroticism, extraversion and agreeableness, had a relationship with work stress. Neuroticism has a positive correlation with work stress, , while extraversion and agreeableness have a negative correlation with work stress.
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