Kontrol Diri Orang Dewasa Terhadap Perjudian Sepak Bola Online di Desa X
The purpose of this study was to determine adults' self-control over online soccer gambling in village X. This type of research uses a descriptive quantitative approach that describes the level of self-control based on aspects of self-control, recent education, and marital status. with univariate analysis which aims to find out how adult self-control is towards online soccer gambling in village X. Data obtained through a modified scale from previous research on Self-Control. The research subjects consisted of 96 adults who gambled on online football in village X by using a random sampling technique using a Likert scale as a measuring instrument. Based on the results of research data analysis, it was found that there was low self-control in each category, both education and marital status. It can be concluded that online soccer gambling players have low self-control, therefore they can be addicted and continue to play online soccer gambling. A low level of self-control is because individuals cannot control themselves or have low self-control.
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| 10 INSIGHT: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2024)
Kontrol Diri Orang Dewasa Terhadap Perjudian Sepak Bola Online Di Desa X
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2910/insight.v2i1.13071
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