Gambar Regulasi Diri pada Remaja yang Melakukan Perilaku Seksual Pranikah

Fitri Marhaya Sari, Rini Julistia, Yara Andita Anastasya


This study aims to find out how self-regulation is described in adolescents who engage in premarital sexual behavior. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. This study involved three hundred and eighty four adolescents in Bireuen City using a non-probability sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a self-regulation scale compiled by researchers based on Baumeister's theory of self-regulation which consists of aspects of standards and goals, monitoring and feedback loops and strength and depletion. The results showed that the self-regulation of adolescents who engage in sexual behavior in Bireuen City is low. This happens because adolescents are unable to restrain or control themselves from engaging in premarital sexual behavior. The results of self-regulation research on adolescents who engage in premarital sexual behavior based on aspects of self-regulation focus on aspects of standards and goals and monitoring and feedback loops which are in the low category, while aspects that are in the high categorization are strength and depletion.


Perilaku Seksual Pranikah, Regulasi Diri, Remaja

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