Liantanty liantanty, Rini Julistia, Dwi Iramadhani


Abstrack: The purpose of this study was to describe self-regulated learning in students who work as laborers at SMA/MA in Dewantara District. This study uses a quantitative research method with a quantitative descriptive approach. With a total of one hundred and forty-seven students who work as laborers with the total sampling method and Profiling analysis. The study found that as many as 7.48% of students had self-regulated learning which was classified as effective, which could be concluded that working students were able to properly organize learning starting from the forethough phase (planning), performance (action) and reflection (reflection) consistently and regularly every cycle. And the results of the study show that 92.52% of students who work as laborers have self-regulated learning which is classified as ineffective, meaning that most of the students who work find it difficult to plan, take action, and evaluate in their learning settings. It was found in the results of the forethough phase as much as (52.2)%, in the performance phase (52.20%) and in the reflection phase (69.11%).


Self-Regulted Learning. High School Students, Youth Labor Students,Teenager


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