Gambaran Resiliensi Pada Anak Dengan Latar Belakang Orang Tua bercerai

Rifda Hayati, Nursan Junita, Ika Amalia


Divorce of parents can cause grief, stress and trauma to children. Therefore, resilience has an important role in reducing the impact of parental divorce. This study aims to look at resilience in children with divorced parents and the factors that support achieving resilience in children. This study uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach and purposive sampling techniques, through interviews. Subjects amounted to four people. The results showed that the four subjects felt they were stronger in dealing with problems by understanding the problems of divorced parents and having ways of solving them. The subject has a better life expectancy by ignoring unrealistic thoughts such as the desire to commit suicide. In addition, the subject can easily adapt to the environment even though it is sometimes ignored. Finally, the subject can learn lessons from parental divorce where there is a desire to achieve and finish school and the need for better preparation before marriage. In addition, the impact of parental divorce makes a lack of trust in the opposite sex.



Children, Divorce, Resilience

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