Optimization of Public Services

M Irfan, Aiyub Aiyub, nurhafni nurhafni, Chalirafi Chalirafi, faisal matriadi


The article discusses the importance of public service as a crucial policy issue with strategic significance, acting as an indicator of an organization's performance. It emphasizes the government's responsibility to improve the quality of public services, ensuring they adhere to principles of general governance and protect all citizens. The article delves into the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in government agencies and the need for accountability, equal rights, responsiveness, and optimization of services. It also highlights the role of human resources and social media in enhancing public service quality. By combining these elements, the article aims to achieve better and more efficient public services that cater to community needs and expectations


public service, good governance, North Aceh district, service effectiveness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ijpas.v3i1.12328

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