
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

  1. Authors who wish to enter the manuscript should pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not comply with the terms already listed, it is possible that the text will be returned.
  2. The title of the paper should be accurate, concise, informative, and easy to understand. The title describes the subject matter of the essay and no more than 15 words.
  3. The scope of the paper covers research on national standardization policy, standard development, standard harmonization, application of standards (accreditation, certification, testing, metrology, technical inspection, pre and post market supervision, socioeconomic impacts, etc.), standardization, technical, and aspects related to standardization.
  4. Written in Indonesian or English.
  5. Paper typed 1 space on A4 paper, Arial font 10, not reciprocal, with minimum 5 pages and maximum 10 pages, not exceeding 10,000 words (excluding attachment and bibliography). Word used in 1 sentence maximum 17 words.
  6. Author's name and agency address are listed under the heading.
  7. Abstracts are made in two languages (Indonesian and English), Indonesia does not exceed 250 words and English does not exceed 200 words. Placed before the introduction, for abstract English typed italic, with arial font 9, with a spacing of 1 spacing.
  8. Keywords in two languages (Indonesian and English), placed under the abstract, consist of 3 - 5 words.
  9. The content of the paper consists of a minimum of Introduction (background, problems and objectives), Literature Review, Research Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References
  10. The table is numbered consecutively, the title of the table is placed on it and a maximum of 10 words. Table names begin with capital letters (except for abbreviations or certain terms whose writing should be capitalized) and terminated by a period.
  11. Images are numbered consecutively, the title of the image is placed underneath and a maximum of 10 words. Image name begins with capital letters (except for abbreviations or specific terms whose writing must be capitalized) and ends with a period.
  12. Excerpts are written in accordance with the guidelines of the Journal of Standardization.
  13. The bibliography uses at least 10 references, 80% refers to the library of the last 10 years, and comes from the primary source of reference.
  14. The rules of writing the bibliography are done in accordance with the guidelines of Journal of Malikussaleh Public Economics by using citation manager Mendeley
  15. Article templates can be downloaded here di sini.
  16. Template writing rules can be downloaded here.disini.
  17. Author needs to submit documents related to signed signed copyrught transfer agreement (CTA) (scanned from the original form together with articles to be submitted online via supplementary file facility). file copyright transfer agreement (CTA) can be downloaded here.disini.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Editorial Journal of Material Unimal receives scientific manuscripts of research results in areas related to regional economic policy, standards development, standard harmonization, application of standards (accreditation, certification, testing, metrology, technical inspection, pre and post market supervision, socioeconomic impacts, etc.), standardization, technical regulation, and aspects related to the regional economy
  2. Scientific texts do not contain plagiarism. The manuscript must also comply with the guidelines for scriptwriting and have not or have not been in the publication process on other media, whether print or electronic.
  3. The Editorial Board has full authority in selecting incoming manuscripts. Selection of incoming scientific texts will be done in writing and objectively.
  4. Scientific texts contained in the Regional Economic Journal do not automatically reflect the views of LPPM.

  5. The scientific manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with Arial 10 and the spacing 1. A4 paper size is used in two-column format. The length of a scientific script is equivalent to 5-10 pages, including images, graphics, or tables.
  6. Articles to be published in the journal must have been completed with a copyright transfer notice.d.
  7. All submitted scripts must follow the manuscript template form found at the end of this guide.

Copyright Notice

The manuscript submitted by the writer shall be a scientific paper of research which does not infringe any copyright. The submitted manuscript must be unpublished and not delivered at the same time to other publishers. The copyright of all materials including printed, electronic and other forms is held by the Regional Economic Journal. For that the author needs to approve the transfer of copyright by filling out and signing the copyright transfer statement below (attached) to be submitted simultaneously with the submission of the manuscript. Copyright Transfer Statement in the form of softcopy (scan results). After the script has passed through the process of editing the substance and positively accepted, the author sends the copyright statement in original hardcopy to the editorial address of the Regional Economic Journal.


I the undersigned hereby declare:

That article ("Article Title") is original and never published before or will be published elsewhere and not plagiarism in any form from the work of others.
The article has no issues with the other party with regard to the rights of publication
All authors have read this statement and agree with names and sequences
I hereby transfer the copyright to my article ("Article Title") to the Regional Economic Journal Editor. The transfer of copyright is included in the right to reproduce photography for similar articles and translations. It also includes the right to include articles in computer systems for dissemination in the Internet network.
I hereby agree upon my article ("Article Title") published by LPPM Volume ("xx") Edition ("x") licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. It also includes the right to include articles in computer systems for dissemination in the Internet network.



                                                Name: (Author Name)
                                                Date: (Date of Signature)


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.