We are thrilled to present the second edition of GAME.
Volume 1 Issue 2 of the Gameology and Multimedia Expert consists of 5 articles from 5 author affiliations, namely Universitas Islam Kebangsaan Indonesia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mahakarya Aceh, Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer, STMIK Royal and Universitas Malikussaleh.
The author's countries are coming from Indonesia.
Chief in Editor GAME
Table of Contents
Cover, Editorial Board, Acknowledgement and Table of Contents
Development of Edutourism Media Based on Augmented Reality (AR) Tourism Bireuen Using Android-Based Screen
DOI : 10.29103/game.v1i2.15823
Abstract views : 136 times
Rahmad Rahmad, Cut Fadhilah, Nunsina Nunsina
Developing a 3D Virus Attack Simulation in Unity: A Case Study for Healthcare Education
DOI : 10.29103/game.v1i2.15885
Abstract views : 169 times
Zeny Arsya Fortilla, Muhammad Syauqi Jazuli
Development of Obstacle Odyssey, an Interactive Game by Using GDevelop
DOI : 10.29103/game.v1i2.15882
Abstract views : 168 times
Cherlina Helena Purnamasari Panjaitan, Sujacka Retno, Novia Hasdyna
Educational Game: Introduction to 11 Icons in Each ASEAN Member Country
DOI : 10.29103/game.v1i2.15884
Abstract views : 116 times
Ilmi Suciani Sinambela, Yudha Avilla
Jump Hurdlers: an Adventure game based on 2D using Gdevelop 5
DOI : 10.29103/game.v1i2.15886
Abstract views : 138 times
Rayendra Tawakal, Handry Eldo, Rifqi Ramadan