Analysis of Riba-Free Village Fund Management with a Triangulation Approach in Jeumpa District, Bireuen Regency

Murni Murni, Lakharis Inuzula


This study aims to analyze the practice of usury in the management of Village Funds in the Village Administration of Jeumpa District, Bireuen Regency as a contribution to the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh in economic activities based on Village Government. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach for the purpose of exploratory and descriptive studies. Using primary and secondary data with structured interview techniques and documentation. Data analysis was carried out interactively with triangulation techniques to ensure the validity of the data. The results showed that the management of village funds in Jeumpa District, Bireuen Regency had been carried out in accordance with sharia provisions, but only on the lending system that required further understanding so that it did not fall into usury which is prohibited in Islam. The management of village funds is carried out based on the triangulation technique.

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