
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

1. The manuscript must be an original work and it has not been published, submitted, reviewed or under consideration elsewhere.

2. In order to submit an article to this journal, an author must first log in to the journal submission system. This can be accomplished by accessing the login menu. In the event that an author has not previously created an account, they will first be required to complete the registration process.

3. It is necessary for authors to ensure that all required metadata is completed accurately and in full. Manuscripts that do not comply with this requirement will be returned to the authors. 

4. The manuscript must be submitted through ARSITEKNO OJS at the following link.
An author can login to our system or register if the author, yet, have not had an account.

5. The manuscript must comply with ARSITEKNO template.

6. The submitted manuscript must be in Microsoft Office Word (.docx) format.

7. Every article submitted will have plagiarism checked (Max. 20%, excluding the references) and it will go through double blind review process.

8. The manuscript can be in either Bahasa Indonesia or English with number of pages ranges from 6-12.

9. The manuscript title uses capitalized Time New Romans, 16pt, bold and it shall not exceed 15 words.

10. Author(s)' name and their affiliation(s) is under the title of the manuscript.

11. Abstract, is preprared according to the chosen manuscript language (either Bahasa Indonesia of English), uses Time New Romans, 11pt, italic, and shall not exceed 200 words.

12. Keywords is located under the abstract and consisted of 3-5 phrases.

13. The main article should consist of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (not compulsary, if only relevant) and Reference list.

14. The section title shall use Times New Roman, 12pt, capitalized and bold. Meanwwhile, the sub section shall use Times New Roman, 12pt, regular, and bold.

15. Table must be numbered accordingly, the table title shall be placed above with description no more than 10 words. The table title shall start with a capital letter (an exception can be made to abrreviation(s), where it must use all capital letters) with period "." at the end of the title.

16. Figure(s) is/are numbered consecutively, the figure shall be captioned below the figure with description not to exceed of 10 words. The figure name shall be started with a capital letter (an exception can be made to abrreviation(s), where it must use all capital letters) with period "." at the end of the title.

17. This journal uses the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) referencing system. We encourage author(s) to use the advantage of reference management tool(s) such as Mendeley or Zotero to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

18. The reference list must contains at least 10 sources from the last 10 years and it shall be primary sources.

19. Author(s) will recieve notification from the editor whether their manuscript accepted, revised or rejected. Author(s) is/are allowed to revised their manuscript based on (a) reviewer(s)' recommendations.

20. Author(s) can find the journal template here.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Arsitekno editorial team only accepts articles related to the following scopes: Architecture and Design, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, History, Theory & Critic Architecture, Building Science and Technology, and Housing and Human Settlement.
  2. The manuscripts must not contain elements of plagiarism. Manuscripts must also meet writing guidelines (author guidlines) and have not been or not in the process of publication in other media, both print and electronic.
  3. Editorial Board has full authority in selecting the incoming manuscript. The selection of the incoming scientific manuscripts will be carried out objectively.
  4. The articles published in Arsitekno do not automatically reflect the views of Architecture Program of Universitas Malikussaleh.
  5. All submitted manuscripts must follow the manuscript template format found here.

Copyright Notice

All the published works are freely available online. However, author(s) hold a copyright under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Arsitekno uses license CC-BY or an equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly works.

This license permits anyone to compose, repair, and make derivative creation even for commercial purposes, as long as appropriate credit and proper acknowledgement to the original publication from Jurnal Ilmiah is made to allow users to trace back to the original manuscript and author.

Readers are also granted full access to read and download the published manuscripts, reprint and distribute the manuscript in any medium or format.