Adhiana Adhiana


This research was conducted in five districts in the province of Aceh, West Aceh district of Aceh Besar, Aceh Pidie, Bireuen, and North Aceh. The total sample for this study was 280 farmers using stratified random sampling method. This research using primary and secondary data. The main objective of this research is to analyze the factors that determine the level of vulnerability of famers communities in Aceh after the tsunami.  The analysis model used is the logistic regression model using Maximum Likelihood (MLE).The results found that the finding  on  logistic regression analysis  model showed  the vulnerability of farmers affected by the six variables, are the availability of jobs, other job skills, debt, training / courses, savings and family relations. Three other factors are the loss of property, injury and loss of boundaries of the land is not significant. Among the policy implications of the proposed in this study is the increasing human assets, and strengthen the financial assets of farmers


vulnerability, farmers, tsunami, Aceh

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Agrifo: Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh