Growth patterns, condition factors, and gonad maturity of the white-spotted spinefoot (Siganus canaliculatus, Park 1797) in the coastal area of Bontang City, East Kalimantan

Jusmaldi Jusmaldi, Nurul Wahidah, Nova Hariani


This study aims to analyze growth patterns, condition factors, and gonad maturity of the white-spotted spinefoot (Siganus canaliculatus, Park 1797) in coastal waters of Bontang City, East Kalimantan. Fish samples were collected every month from February to June 2020. Fish were collected using a simple random method from the catches of fishers who landed their fish at the Tanjung Limau port, Bontang City. Fish body length was measured using a digital caliper, and body weight was measured using a digital balance. The results of this study obtained a total of 226 individual fish, consisting of 110 males and 116 females. Male fish have a length ranged from 94.78-197.88 mm and a weight ranged from 18.24-94.30 g, while female fish have a body length ranged from 90.00-201.09 mm and a body weight ranged from 17.98-95.16 g. The length-weight relationship shows a strong correlation (r2=0.967) with the regression equation W=5x10-5L2.721. The fish growth pattern is negative allometric. The average condition factor was 1.08±0.09, which reflected good growth. Gonadal mature of fish are found in May and June, indicating that the fish are ready to spawn.

Keywords: condition factor; growth; Siganus canaliculatus

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