Upaya Eks-Kombatan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) Dalam Menjaga Perdamaian Di Aceh
After the signing of the Helsinki MoU in 2005 in Helsinki, the province of Aceh became vulnerable to frictions in armed conflict. KPA, which is GAM's transformational institution, has become an important spearhead in maintaining peace, the conflict shifts into conflict among the former Free Aceh Movement. This study aims to analyze the role of KPA in the Kuta Pasee area in maintaining peace in Aceh. This research is a qualitative research with a conflict and peace building approach. The data in this study are in the form of disarmament and peace building, the data of this research are sourced from several informants, namely sources in the field who have been determined purposively, conditions that occur in the field, documents and related literature. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The research instrument used is a list of questions and a list of observations. While the data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive techniques, namely by studying conflict resolution analysis and peacebuilding. The results of the study can be concluded that the KPA is an institution which after the peace takes place is the spearhead in maintaining peace in Aceh. Although in maintaining peace in Aceh KPA there are many people who doubt the performance of KPA, and to realize prosperity and harmony in Aceh, cooperation between regional institutions in Aceh must be established as well as possible
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