PROGRAM SERDADU GELISITANTIK (GERAKAN LITERASI BERBASIS BEHAVIORISTIK) SEBAGAI SOLUSI MENINGKATKAN MINAT BACA SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR ( The Serdadu GELISITANTIK Program (Behavioristic-Based Literacy Movement) as a Solution to Increase Elementary School Students' Interest in Reading)

Afifa Khairotin Nuha, Putri Ulfah Syaridha, Kumala Dewi, Safira Al Izzah, Riezka Maghfirah, Dwi Iramadhani


This activity aims to significantly enhance the reading interest among students in Aceh, particularly in rural areas, as part of the broader effort to realize Program 9 of Aceh Hebat (Carong). In Indonesia, the low reading interest of the population has become a serious concern, with only 0.001% of the population showing interest in reading according to UNESCO data. However, awareness of the importance of literacy as the foundation for intellectual and social development has driven the government, educational institutions, and community organizations to undertake various efforts to boost reading interest. The primary target of this activity is elementary school students in rural areas of Aceh, where the problem of low reading interest is often more pronounced. Additionally, eighty-three students and twelve teachers are involved in the program. The program consists of three weeks of direct practice on the program and the subsequent three weeks where partners implement the program directly with guidance. Teachers, parents, and village library managers are also involved as they play a crucial role in creating a supportive literacy environment. The methods employed in this activity include the Behavioristic approach with Token Economy. By utilizing positive reinforcement in the form of tokens (such as stars) as rewards for participation in literacy activities, it is expected that students will be motivated to actively engage in reading and develop their interest in literacy. Additionally, guidance will be provided to partner schools to introduce and effectively implement the literacy program. Community reinforcement is also a crucial part of this activity, involving parents and village library managers in supporting and implementing the program in the surrounding community. Expected outcomes of this activity include increased reading interest among students, program implementation by partners, as well as publication and documentation of the activities to raise awareness of the importance of literacy. Recommendations include maintaining program continuity, encouraging active community participation, and fostering collaboration with relevant stakeholders to achieve broader and sustainable impacts in enhancing reading interest among students in Aceh.


Interest in reading; literacy; Aceh Carong; behaviorism; token economy; school literacy movement

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Copyright (c) 2024 Afifa Khairotin Nuha, Putri Ulfah Syaridha, Kumala Dewi, Safira Al Izzah, Riezka Maghfirah, Dwi iramadhani

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UBAT HATEE: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

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