PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN KESIAPSIAGAAN BENCANA PADA SANTRI MELALUI PSIKOEDUKASI MITIGASI BENCANA GEMPA BUMI (Enhancing Disaster Preparedness Knowledge among Students through Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Psychoeducation)
This community engagement program aimed to enhance disaster preparedness awareness among students of Madrasah Aliyah Swasta (Private Islamic High School) Dayah Jabal Nur through a psychosocial education program on earthquake disaster mitigation. A total of 40 students participated in the psychosocial education activity, which was delivered through a psychosocial approach focusing on providing information and knowledge about disaster mitigation and Psychological First Aid (PFA), as well as practical disaster mitigation exercises. These activities aimed to provide participants with an understanding of various measures to reduce disaster risks and enhance preparedness. The program comprised pre-test administration, psychosocial education delivery, discussions, practice sessions, and concluded with post-tests and evaluations. Primary data were collected through pretests, posttests, and observations during the program. Data analysis revealed a significant increase in participants' knowledge following the psychosocial education intervention. The utilization of psychosocial education techniques proved highly effective in enhancing comprehension of disaster mitigation strategies and the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA) among the students. This finding underscores the importance of such initiatives in strengthening disaster preparedness among students and the wider community.
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UBAT HATEE: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
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