Fuzzy immune algorithm based remote wireless transmission for Throttled PID control strategy
Pressure control drilling technology (MPD) an effective solution to the problems of low efficiency and high drilling risk of conventional drilling technology. Based on the current working environment of the oil well site, this paper introduces a data acquisition system based on the well field wireless transmission network, studies and analyzes the factors affecting the bottom hole pressure and the characteristics of the various components of the throttle manifold. Based on the mathematical model of the control system and the remote wireless transmission of data, this paper proposes an improved fuzzy immune PID control model. The model uses fuzzy rules to adjust the parameters of the PID controller in adaptively, which keeps the controlled object in a good dynamic and static stable state, reduces the overshoot of the traditional PID and makes the controlled variable approach the control target quickly. The control system simulation results show that the fuzzy immune PID control algorithm has a fast dynamic response, no overshoot, no static error, and strong self-adaptability when the algebraic model parameters of throttle valve change.
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