Jurnal Mahasiswa Antropologi dan Sosiologi Indonesia (JuMASI) is an open access, and peer-reviewed journal.
- Sociology
- Antrhopology
- Sociology of law,
- Community development and social welfare,
- Gender, masculinity studies, and feminism,
- Environmental sociology,
- Cyber/digital sociology,
- Democracy, Citizenship and Social Movement
- Rural Ecology and Social Transformation
- Inclusion, Justice and Social Policy
- Conflict, Security and Sustainable Development
- Local Dynamics and GlobalizationLocal wisdom of Acehnese, particularly about conflict management and disaster studies
- Certain ethnic, arts and cultures of specific communities
- Belief systems
- Ecological studies and their relations with culture.Humanitarian studies in Aceh, as well as Indonesia and global
- The critical review should be concerned with the literature relating to anthropological studies