Dukungan Jepang terhadap UN Women Terkait Pemberantasan Kekerasan Perempuan Pada Saat Pandemi Co – Vid 19



This research discusses about Japan’s contribution to The United Nations that focused on UN Women in dealing with violence against woman. According data from Un Women’s about violence woman during lockdown , terdapat kenaikan data sebesar 75% during pandemic Co – Vod 19.   So for against this problem, UN Women takes some actions for measure against violence woman in Co-Vid 19.Japan, a country that is active in activities to reduce violence against women in activities carried out by UN Women, has also actively contributed to preventing women's violence during the Co-Vid 19 pandemic.  Japan’s promotion about “Human Security” for global is expected to be able and attract sympathies from others countries in the world and they will firm in making policies regarding human security especially protection of women in their country.. with this situation, Japan contributes to other countries whose societies are affected by violence against women during co-vids 19.

Penelitian ini membahas tentang kontribusi Jepang terhadap PBB yang berfokus pada UN Women dalam menangani kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Menurut data dari Un Women tentang kekerasan perempuan saat lockdown, terdapat kenaikan data sebesar 75% selama pandemi Co – Vod 19. Maka untuk mengatasi masalah ini, UN Women mengambil beberapa tindakan untuk tindakan terhadap kekerasan perempuan di Co-Vid 19.Japan, sebuah negara yang aktif dalam kegiatan pengurangan kekerasan terhadap perempuan dalam kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh UN Women, juga aktif berkontribusi dalam pencegahan kekerasan terhadap perempuan di masa pandemi Co-Vid 19. Promosi Jepang tentang “Human Security” secara global diharapkan dapat menarik simpati dari negara-negara lain di dunia dan mereka akan tegas dalam membuat kebijakan mengenai keamanan manusia khususnya perlindungan perempuan di negara mereka. negara yang masyarakatnya terkena dampak kekerasan terhadap perempuan selama covid 19.


Dukungan Jepang, UN Women, Kekerasan Perempuan, Pandemi Covid 19

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/jspm.v3i2.3321

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