Implementasi Fungsi Partai Politik (Studi Kasus Peran Partai Golkar Dalam Memberikan Pendidikan Politik Terhadap Masyarakat Di Bener Meriah Tahun 2019-2020)

Rina Aris Tantya, Muhammad Bin Abubakar, Dahlan Arahman, Zulhilmi Zulhilmi



This research explains the role of party parties in providing political education to the public. Political education is an effort to transform matters related to politics to administrators, cadres and constituents to be aware of their roles, functions and rights and obligations as citizens. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method with interview techniques as the main data collection technique, besides that this research also uses observational data collection techniques and literature studies in obtaining the necessary data. The results showed that political parties are still not carried out optimally in carrying out their role to provide political education to the public because the party carries out these activities when approaching elections only. Then the party also focused too much on the internal activities of the party so that the party's contribution to political education activities for the people was not optimal and the party also admitted that so far the role of the party has been more optimized for cadres only in terms of political education. The party also experienced obstacles and obstacles in carrying out political education to the community, namely that people were still too focused on money and basic necessities to participate in activities carried out by the party. Then there is the apathy and skepticism of the people who view that political parties come to the community only to mobilize the community to get public support when the elections are about to take place and also the party needs large funds to carry out an activity with the community, but due to insufficient funds this is an obstacle for the party when it wants to carry out an activity with the community.



Peran;Partai Politik; Pendidikan Politik

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Copyright (c) 2022 Rina Aris Tantya, Muhammad Bin Abubakar, Dahlan Arahman, Zulhilmi Zulhilmi

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