Challenges Of Federal Character Principle And Administrative Effectiveness In The Nigerian Public Service

Nkadi Francisca Ibhade, Akpomuvire Akpomuvire Mukoro


Examining the federal character principle's application to public service in particular is the study's main objective. The data collected for the study relied exclusively on secondary sources . The noble goal of incorporating Nigeria's federal character principle into the country's administrative structure has become a burden in and of itself. This study aims to explore the reasons behind the persistence of inequality, injustice, political dominance, and economic subjugation of one region over another in Nigeria, even after the federal character principle was enshrined in the constitution. What is the reason behind not upholding and adhering to the federal character principle when it comes to political appointees and public officer recruitment? Why isn't the federal character principle adhered to even in the public service when it comes to postings, promotions, and rewards? Other recommendations were made in an effort to create a respectable public service that everyone can relate to without the slightest suspicion or mistrust. The study concluded that the government is in charge of creating and implementing policies that further a range of clearly stated social, political, and economic goals. In carrying out these duties, policy makers should use Weber's "best result" option to guide their decisions. This will help to mitigate the negative effects of federal character, nepotism, tribalism, and the quota system that plague Nigeria's political and administrative landscape. Among other recommendations, Weber suggests that the government and its agencies apply the concept in a sincere, honest, and transparent manner. They must adhere to the rules or guidelines governing the application, but they must not do so at the expense of applicants' qualifications and merit. This means that when applying the concept, merit must be taken into account and the qualifications of those vying for a political position or appointment must not be disregarded


Federal Character Principle; Public Service; Challenges; Injustice; Inequality

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