Muntasir Muntasir, Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Bimby Hidayat
Dayah is an Islamic educational institution that is popular in Acehnese society. The presence of Dayah along with the presence of Islam in the kingdom of Aceh was well received by royal officials and the people of Aceh at that time. The presence of Dayah in Aceh has given color to the religious attitudes of the majority of Acehnese people continuously. It is this religious attitude that is thick with Islamic values that has led the Aceh region to be nicknamed Veranda of Mecca. Historical records have featured a number of great scholars from Veranda of Mecca such as Syeh Nuruddin Ar-Raniri, Syeh Abdur Rauf As-Singkili and Tgk. Another Syik-Tgk. Syik. Until now, the existence of Dayah has become a successor to the tradition of these great scholars, both in conveying religious treatises to the current generation of people and in social roles. The social roles carried out by the Dayah are like the intermediary role played by the Dayah community in responding to the long conflict that occurred in Aceh. A bold role that other groups in Aceh do not want to play. To maintain the continuity of these roles, the dayah must maintain its existence as an independent institution. The most important thing that needs to be seen is how the dayah provides facilities and resources, financial resources and also how to manage the curriculum to suit the educational needs of today's society.
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Keputusan Musyawarah Ulama Dayah Acheh di Banda Acheh pada 13 sampai dengan 14 September 1999.
Profil Dayah MUDI Mesjid Raya Samalanga (2003).
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