Pelatihan dan Bimbingan Teknis Pengelolaan Administrasi Keuangan Gampong pada Perangkat Gampong Lancang Garam di Kota Lhokseumawe
The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the capacity of Gampong devices in managing village financial administration efficiently and accountably and ensuring Gampong device understands the applicable regulations and financial procedures. Methods that carried out, among others, initial assistance, implementation, mentoring, and follow-up evaluation for get feedback from the application of training and mentoring methods that have been implemented. Based on this activity, it is hoped that the Gampong Lancang Garam apparatus has the ability to and skills in managing financial administration to fund financial reporting Gampong. The material taught in the training is related to the introduction of gampong financial administration in the form of basic principles and applicable regulations, process Preparation starts from planning to reporting with correct accounting rules. Participants This training is a Gampong device involved with financial administration. This training is expected to bring positive changes in the management of Gampong financial administration so that Gampong devices can carry out their duties more effectively and efficiently. The mandatory outputs that are the target of this activity are: (1) Jumal Publications, (2) Publications in print/electronic mass media, (3) Partner Cooperation Documents (4) IPR.
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