Peningkatan Literasi Digital Melalui Peran Generasi Muda Di Kecamatan Meureudu Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Aceh

Mardiaton Mardiaton, Zulfan Zulfan, Syarifah Syafira, Khairisma Khairisma, Nur Elisyah


The purpose of this activity is to provide motivation and encouragement as well as understanding the young generation to play an active role in improving digital literacy to the community, because it plays an important role in accelerating the transformation process that can drive growth in various sectors. Young people who are digitally literate and equipped with strong national values can play a role as agents of change in the transformation process to accelerate the achievement of the development targets that have been launched. Discussions and training are needed for the young generation to improve digital literacy in preventing the negative impact of social media, involving parents, educators and the government. Simultaneously, the collaboration of stakeholders with the community and the involvement of the young generation in the neighborhood, especially in Pidie Jaya Regency is needed so that the scope of digital literacy consistently expands. With the expansion of community digital literacy, this effort is expected to accelerate development in a number of sectors in order to be realized properly. For this reason, it is important to understand and manage the impact of social media to create a great and sustainable environment.

There are certainly many service activities carried out by lecturers and students which only become written reports and are neatly stored in the study program or at LPPM library which are not read by the general public. For this reason, this Community Service Program is published so that it can be accessed by all parties and can be important information for many readers.


Student organizations, Capacity building, Leadership skills, Managerial skills, Teamwork, Training and mentoring.

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