Penguatan Kapasitas Organisasi Kesiswaan: Strategi dan Implementasi

Nazaruddin Nazaruddin, Chalirafi Chalirafi, Ahmad Yani, Munandar Munandar, Aiyub Aiyub


This community service activity aims to increase the capacity of student organizations at SMA Negeri 6 Lhokseumawe through a series of training and mentoring. Strengthening the capacity of student organizations is important in order to form students who have good leadership, managerial and teamwork skills. The methods used in this program include leadership training, organizational management, and intensive mentoring activities for three months. Participants in this activity were administrators and active members of student organizations at the school, with a total of 50 students. The results of this activity show a significant increase in students' understanding and skills related to organizational management and leadership. Students' active participation in organizational activities increased by 30%, and there was an increased sense of responsibility and solidarity between members. This program has also succeeded in increasing support from the school for student organization activities. In conclusion, this capacity strengthening program is effective in improving the capabilities and performance of student organizations, and is recommended for implementation in other schools with adjustments according to each context.


Student organizations, Capacity building, Leadership skills, Managerial skills, Teamwork, Training and mentoring.

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