Penguatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Buket Bagi Ketua-Ketua PKK Kecamatan Simpang Keuramat Kabupaten Aceh Utara

Mutia Rahmah, Devi Andriyani, Syarifah Syafira, Hijri Juliansyah, Khairil Anwar, Umaruddin Usman


This community service is to add knowledge to the people in particular the leader PKK of Simpang Keramat in order to increase independence through training in making a snack bouquet and then can be taught back to the mothers in their village. The objective of this community service is the growing independence and innovation of the PKK elders' efforts to educate mothers in their village so that the household mothers can help their family income. This activity was carried out in one of the cafes in Lhokseumawe City. Training materials are short explanations of profit gains if from the creation of a snack bouquet, entrepreneurship and economic benefits derived from self-reliance, income and family blessings and introduction of basic and materials needed to make a snack bouquet. The results of this undertaking are 95% of the mothers who are taught the fine arts of softskill and hardskill. A whole series of devotionals, have successfully added skill to partners and empowered women's labor for increased family incomes in the Simpang Keuramat subdistrict of North Aceh. This service activity has created a growing interest in entrepreneurship, developing a self-entrepreneurship culture, self-reliance and developing handict-based infrastructure in the Simpang Keuramat subdistrict of North Aceh.


Independence, Training, Snack Buket, Income

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