Hidup Konsumtif Masyarakat (Study kasus pada Masyarakat di Kp. Bengkok Ds. Karyasari Kec. Cikedal)

N. Salsa maulidhita Hapein, Shinta Pramudya Sari, Usep Saepul Mustakim


Mobile banks are informal financial services that offer the convenience of borrowing money without complicated requirements with a fast process. This service is widely used by the public for their daily needs and consumer style. Equipped with a withdrawal system, mobile banks provide loans directly on the spot without requiring complex administrative procedures. This convenience makes more and more people use mobile bank services to meet urgent consumer needs and desires. In addition, loan repayments are made in installments or weekly, although the interest is relatively high. This study uses qualitative methods through observation, interviews, literature and other internet sources. The results of the study show that mobile banks have a significant influence on individual consumption patterns, especially those related to the satisfaction of their needs and lifestyles.


mobile bank, consumer needs, consumtive needs, observation methode.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14670342

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Journal of Sharia Economics Scholar (JoSES)

ISSN : 2302-6219