Pemasaran Halal: Strategi Branding Produk dalam Perspektif Manajemen Syariah

Mhd Mukhroni Perdana Hsb, Novien Rialdy


International trade has experienced rapid growth over the past five decades, driven by cooperation between countries in reducing trade protection. In this context, it is important to understand the role of Islamic economics in influencing marketing practices, especially halal marketing. This study aims to explore product branding strategies from a sharia management perspective, as well as how Islamic principles can be applied in marketing to create value in accordance with sharia. The research method used is a literature review and analysis of relevant literature to understand the concept of halal marketing and branding strategies. This study also examines how the principles of muamalah in Islam can be applied in modern business practices. The results of this study are expected to provide new insights for business actors in implementing marketing that is in accordance with Islamic values. The conclusion of this study shows that halal marketing does not only focus on sharia compliance, but also on the ethical values and honesty taught in Islam. By implementing the right strategy, companies can build a strong brand and gain consumer trust, while meeting the demands of a market that is increasingly aware of the importance of halal products.


Halal marketing, Product branding, Sharia Management

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