Analisis Komparatif Sistem Operasional Bank Syariah dan Bank Konvensional di Indonesia

Alfajri A, Rozi Andrini


This study aims to comprehensively analyze the operational differences between Islamic banking and conventional banking systems in Indonesia, focusing on the fundamental principles, products, and operational mechanisms of each system. Using a comparative analysis approach, the research examines fundamental aspects such as the underlying philosophies of operations, methods of fund management, profit-sharing mechanisms, and risk management approaches. The findings reveal significant differences between the two systems: Islamic banks operate based on Sharia principles that prohibit riba (interest) and promote profit-sharing and partnership contracts, while conventional banks use an interest-based system as their operational foundation. Additionally, Islamic banks adopt a more cautious approach to risk management to ensure compliance with Sharia values, which influences the structure of the products and services offered. The results of this study are expected to contribute to a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics of both banking systems and their implications within the context of Indonesia's dual banking system. These findings may also serve as a reference for policymakers, banking practitioners, and the public to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each system in supporting financial stability and economic inclusion.


Islamic banking, conventional banking, operational differences, Indonesia, comparative analysis.

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