Efektivitas Pajak Pigovian Dalam Mengurangi Emisi Karbon Studi Kasus: Krakatau Steel
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing Pigovian taxes in reducing carbon emissions in the steel industry, with Krakatau Steel as a case study. The approach used is qualitative, employing a literature study method, which discusses the theory and application of Pigovian taxes and their impact on the steel industry, which is structured as an oligopoly. Data analysis techniques involve reviewing relevant literature on the effects of taxes on corporate behavior, specifically in terms of adopting green technologies and improving production efficiency. The results indicate that the implementation of Pigovian taxes can provide incentives for companies to reduce carbon emissions and increase efficiency, but its effectiveness depends on the proper design of the policy, effective communication between the government and industry, and integration with other environmental policies. The conclusion of this study suggests that although Pigovian taxes can contribute to reducing carbon emissions, their success is highly influenced by policy factors and market dynamics in the steel industry.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14301642
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