Pengaruh Konten Pemasaran Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Instagram Rumah Batik Komar

Mochamad Ardan Fauzi, Btari Mariska Purwaamijaya, Muhammad Rizki Nugraha


One of the digital platforms that is widely used during the surge in internet users is E-commerce. Micro, small and medium enterprises or MSMEs also implement this promotional strategy through content creation. Marketing content found on social media platforms has created a new playing field for sellers to compete on. In the context of the fashion industry, consumer behaviour that is suitable to study is purchasing interest. In this study, the research subject was one of the MSMEs in the fashion industry, namely Rumah Batik Komar. Using an online survey method via questionnaire with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique is purposive. Descriptive data analysis and simple linear regression using the SPSS program. The research findings show that there is a significant positive influence of marketing content on consumer buying interest on Rumah Batik Komar's Instagram. The recommendation is the need to use good camera equipment so that the resulting images are of high quality. As well as providing certain prizes in the form of discount coupons for consumers who are willing to provide input regarding marketing content created by sellers in E-commerce in general and Rumah Batik Komar MSMEs in particular.


content marketing; consumer purchase intention; Instagram; MSMEs in the fashion industry

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