Penerapan Gadai Sebagai Sarana Pengembangan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Nabila Zahara, Nanda Nurul Atika, Marliyah M, Halimatussakdiyah H


The development of people's welfare is a key objective in various social and economic policies. In the context of Islamic economics, social welfare is defined as a state of well-being, peace, and health. One effective strategy in improving community welfare is to use pawn as a means of welfare development. Pawn enables people to pledge their property and obtain loans to fulfill their daily needs. In the Islamic economic system, pawning is known as rahn and is allowed as a permissible form of muamalat. This study analyzes the benefits of implementing Islamic pawning in developing community welfare from an Islamic economic perspective. The results show that Islamic pawn can increase the availability of capital and financing and improve the welfare of the community.


sharia pawn, community welfare, Islamic economic.

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