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International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020): February 2020 The Comparison between the Politeness Strategy in the Command Directive Speech Acts and Request in the Email Japanese Business Abstract
Afrilia Wahyu Syahadatina, Roni Roni, Phil Agus Ridwan
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 5 (2020): May 2020 The Comparison of Phonological Perceptions between Extrovert and Introvert Deaf Students Abstract
Achmad Fajar Rachman, Bambang Yulianto, Suhartono Suhartono
Malikussaleh Social and Political Reviews Vol 2, No 2 (2021) The Construction of MSMES by the Agency of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives of North Aceh Regency Abstract   PDF
Muryali Muryali, Nurhafni Nurhafni, Aiyub Aiyub, Ahmad Yani
Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences Journal Acta Aquatica: Jurnal Ilmu Perairan, Vol. 8: No. 3 (December, 2021) The consumption limit of oyster (Crassostrea cucullata born) is safe based on the heavy metal contents of Pb, Cu and Zn in the estuary of Los Kala River, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province Abstract   PDF
Irfan Emersida
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 6 (2019): October 2019 The Contribution of Teachers’Motivation and Characteristics on the Teachers’ Performance in Junior High School of Maarif Metro Lampung Abstract   PDF
Ali Mashari, Ida Umami
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 3, No 4 (2021) The correlation of industrial work experience and soft skills on work readiness of graduated of vocational high school Abstract   PDF
Diana Nur Azizah, Supari Muslim, Mochamad Cholik
Malikussaleh Journal of Mathematics Learning (MJML) Vol 2, No 1 (2019): May The Critical Thinking Abilities in Learning Using Elementary Algebra E-Books: A Case Study at Public Universities in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Mursalin Mursalin
Management Research and Behavior Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2021) The Culinary Sector MSME Survival Strategy in Effort to Restore Populist Economy Based on the Creative Industry during the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract   PDF
Mangasi Sinurat, Lilinesia Lilinesia, M Subhan, Amsyal Simanjuntak
Jurnal Psikologi Terapan (JPT) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Juli The Cultural Differences And Similarities Of Message Structure In Magazine Advertisements Abstract
Ella Suzanna
International Journal of Public Administration Studies Vol 3, No 2 (2023): International Journal of Public Administration Studies The current situation and the attitudes of judicial officials in Greece regarding their training needs Abstract   PDF
Maria Karypidou, Christina Kofidou, Dimitris Folinas, Dimitris Mylonas, Zafeiro Fragkaki
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 5 (2020): May 2020 The Definite Referring Expressions of the Prophet Muhammad's Implicated Speech and its Educational Value Abstract
Suhartono Suhartono
Management Research and Behavior Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2021) The Determination Of Credit Distribution: A Case Study Of Rural Credit Banks In Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Ghazali Syamni, Nasir Azis, Alifcha Novanda, Jumadil Saputra
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2020): January 2020 The Developing a Pictured Story Book as Emotional Intelligence for Low Grade Elementary School Students Abstract   PDF
Rima Hazrati, Susi Fitri, RA. Murti Kusuma Wirasti
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020): February 2020 The Development and Validation of STEM-Based Learning Devices on Hydrostatic Pressure Material to Train Science Process Skills Abstract
A Sjahrir, Z A I Supardi, S E Cahyaningrum
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 7 (2019): November 2019 The Development of a Project-Based Science Creative Learning (SCL) as a Learning Proponent of Student PAUD Dehasen Bengkulu University Abstract   PDF
Rika Partikasari, Syisva Nurwita
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 5 (2020): May 2020 The Development of AKK Learning Model (Active, Creative, Communicative) through Cartoon Media for Reading Comprehension of Mandarin Language Learning For the Tenth Graders Abstract
Kholis Roisyah, Maria Mintowati, Roni Roni
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 6 (2019): October 2019 The Development of Android Application Familiarization to Variety of Profession Based on Applied Science Cluster Abstract   PDF
Khilda Wulidatin Noor, Dede Rahmat Hidayat, Wirda Hanim
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 3, No 6 (2021) The development of cooperative learning models of Make A Macth type of historical materials of the formulation and rativication of the 1945 Constitution to improve of students’ learning outcomes Abstract   PDF
Defa Mashuri
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 6 (2020): June 2020 The Development of Digital Textbooks 来学汉语lái xué Hànyǔ based on the 2013 Curriculum Cross-Major Courses of Mandarin for the Tenth Graders Abstract
Asmania Rizki Nurjannah Sulistyo, Maria Mintowati, Suyatno Suyatno
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 3, No 5 (2021) The development of flashcard learning media based on make a match on colloid Abstract   PDF
Henni Fitriani, Riska Imanda, Ayu Rahmi, Siti Nurmalinda
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 4 (2019): August 2019 The Development of Inquiry Learning Model on Indonesian Language Lessons Abstract   PDF
Jusrin Efendi Pohan
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2020): February 2020 The Development of Learning Model Through Problem Based Introduction (PBI) on Student’s Motivation Improvement in Mathematics Education Abstract   PDF
Surya Wisada Dachi, Ismail Hanif Batubara
Malikussaleh Journal of Mathematics Learning (MJML) Vol 2, No 2 (2019): October The Development of Mathematics Teaching Materials through Geogebra Software to Improve Learning Independence Abstract   PDF
Eri Saputra, Effan Fahrizal
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2019): May 2019 The Development of Mental Health Learning Materials Using The Metacognitive Approach in Counseling Guidance Study Programme in FKIP UMSU Abstract   PDF
Jamilah Jamilah, Sri Ngayomi Yudha Wastuti, Feri Haryati
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 8 (2019): December 2019 The Development of Mobile Learning Media for Excretion System Material for VIII Graders of SMPN 1 Taman Sidoarjo Abstract
Viddo Chrisdian, Siti Masitoh, Fajar Arianto
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