Gambaran Self Management pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir yang Kecenderungan FoMO di Universitas Malikussaleh
This research aims to find out the picture of self-management in final year students who tend to be FoMO, because researchers see the phenomenon around them that final year students are less able to control their time and like to postpone doing their final assignments, they open their gadgets more often to not miss out on information and keep updating it. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods with descriptive analysis techniques. The data collection method used a questionnaire, with subjects totaling 385 final year students with an age range of 18 to 24 years who belonged to generation Z who had multiple tasks, namely being able to do all activities at one time. This research was conducted in seven faculties at Malikussaleh University, which was obtained based on calculating the number of samples using the Cochran formula. The results of this research show that self-management in final year students whose FoMO tendencies are in the high category, meaning that students can manage their time with their FoMO tendencies and their actions such as prioritizing final assignments rather than opening gadgets even though gadgets are nearby and can direct good behavior which is a representation of three aspects of self-management, namely self-monitoring, stimulus control, and self- reward.
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