Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Resiliensi Akademik pada Santri Akhir Pesantren Modern Al-Zahrah
This study aims to look at the relationship between social support and academic resilience in the final students of Al-Zahrah Islamic Boarding School. This study uses quantitative methods with a correlational approach. Data collection uses a social support scale and academic resilience with a questionnaire using the Likert model compiled by the researcher himself based on aspects of social support according to Sarafino and Smith and academic resilience refers to aspects of Martin and Marsh. The sample used amounted to one hundred and twelve respondents of the final students of Al-Zahrah Islamic Boarding School with the sampling method using the total sampling technique. Data analysis using Spearman's Rho technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship with a positive direction between social support and academic resilience in final students with a correlation value of 0.608. It can be concluded that one of the factors that influence academic resilience is social support. Social support has a role in influencing a person's academic resilience. So that the higher the level of social support received, the higher the level of academic resilience in the final students.
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