Ramadhani Ramadhani, Dwi Iramadhani, Hafnidar Hafnidar


Abstract: This study aims to look at the description of fortitude in autoimmune sufferers in terms of age, gender, type of disease, and status in the family. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive type, which describes the level of fortitude based on aspects of fortitude, namely commitment, control and struggle. The sampling technique using simple random sampling or probability sampling (simple random sampling) is a sampling technique that uses the rule of chance in the sampling process. The results of this study indicate that Hardiness which is reviewed based on age, sex, type of disease and status in the family has a high level of fortitude obtained results on the commitment aspect with a high score of 35 with a percentage of 55.9%, the results of the commitment aspect of the subject have the belief that life is has goals, from the results of the control aspect a high score of 35 is obtained with a percentage of 44.1%, the results of the individual control aspect believe that he can determine what happens in his life, on the challenge aspect a high score of 35 is obtained with a percentage of 32.4%, the results of the challenge aspect are obtained the conclusion that the subject will be willingly involved in all changes and carry out all new activities in order to be more advanced.

Keywords: Autoimmune, Hardiness


Autoimun, Ketabahan

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