Gambaran Kesepian pada Penggemar K-Pop yang Memiliki Akun Role Play

Musyrifah Abdillah, Nursan Junita, Rini Julistia


The research is a descriptive quantitative study, using the lonely scale and univariate analysis to describe the loneliness of the fans with the role play account. The subject of a hundred role play users assessed using the lemeshow formula, results were found that k-pop fans with role play accounts have low loners (37%), while the most improved feelings are in the depression aspect (19.44%), with the highest age being late teens (27,58%), at the highest sex being women (25,51%), at the most high school education (26,86%), And in the most highest-usage duration of 2-9 months (16,66%). From the top it can be drawn to the conclusion that the fans of the role role account owners are totally undercredited, as they are able to manage their lack of trust and build more trust and harmony with the people around them, and they are able to make the environment that they want it


Loneliness, K-Pop Fans, Role Play

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