Implementation of Waste Management Policy in Kota Juang District, Bireuen Regency

Maryam Maryam, Ahmad Yani, Asrul Fahmi, Rini Wulandari


Bireuen Qanun Regulation Number 15 Year 2011 concerning Waste Management is a rule used in implementing a policy regarding Waste Management at the Environmental Service, Kota Juang District, Bireuen Regency implemented to determine the stages of waste reduction, waste handling stages and obstacles in implementing waste management. The purpose of waste management is to improve public health and environmental quality as well as to make waste as a resource that has economic value in Juang City District, Bireuen Regency, currently the garbage around it is very necessary for waste management action both through the stages of reducing and handling waste in an integrated, planned manner. and systematic which can be accounted for later properly. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research. Data collection techniques include: observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research on the Implementation of Waste Management Policy at the waste reduction and handling stages still use a transport and disposal system so there is no waste management process at the TPA, facilities and budget resources are still lacking due to limited facilities and infrastructure to be able to transport and manage waste, lack of clarity regarding information on the socialization of the Government with the community and the incompatibility of positions with expertise so that it is obstructed regarding the placement of authority they have.


Implementation, Waste, Management

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Copyright (c) 2021 Maryam Maryam, Muryali Muryali, Ahmad Yani, Asrul Fahmi, Rini Wulandari

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e-ISSN 2807-3169

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