Sri Wahyuni, Devi Andriyani


This study analyzed the effect of inflation, population, and economic
growth on income inequality in Aceh province using data from 2005-
2019. The data analysis method used was multiple linear regression
analysis methods. The results showed that inflation had a positive and
insignificant effect on income inequality in Aceh Province. The
population had a positive and significant effect on income inequality in
Aceh Province. Meanwhile, economic growth had a negative and
insignificant effect on income inequality in Aceh Province. The results
of the f-test showed that inflation, population, and economic growth
significantly influenced income inequality. Meanwhile, the results of R2
showed that the ability of the independent variables to the dependent
variable was 47.55%, while the other 52.45% were influenced by
variables outside of this study.


Inflation, Total Population, Economic Growth, and IncomeInequality

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