Hafni Zahara


This research aims (1) to describe the personal characteristics of women entrepreneurs of Aceh embroidery craft, (2) to measure the capacity of women in developing creative economy business of Aceh embroidery craft in North Aceh regency. Research location determination was done by purposive in North Aceh District. Primary data were collected through structured interviews with respondents using questioners. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, using sample as much as 52 people, data processing with non parametric statistic with scale of measurement using likert scale. The results descirbes that women entrepreneurs of Aceh embroidery have a relatively productive age, the average formal education of high school equivalent, the frequency of training is low, the business experience is in the medium category, the number of children under five, and the frequency of exhibition is also in the low category once a year. Women's capacity level in generally are in the high category, due to they are able to manage their business well. The level of capacity in sequence is the capacity of women in carrying out business functions and marketing, capacity in adapting to the market and capacity in solving capital problems.


capacity, female role, Aceh embroidery craft, creative economy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ag.v3i1.673

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Agrifo: Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh