Marten Umbu Kaleka


The purpose of this study was to analyze the income, Break Even Point and feasibility of cassava farming at SMKN 1 Borong. The determination of the research location was purposive with the consideration that this program has been carried out so that it requires evaluation so that it can determine the sustainability of the program. This study uses a quantitative approach and is followed by a descriptive explanation. Based on the findings in this study, it was concluded that the income of cassava farming at SMKN 1 Borong was Rp32,609,333/MT with an income of Rp40,000,000/MT and a farming production cost of Rp7,390,667, then the BEP Production was 1,478 kg and the BEP Price was Rp924 and the R/C Ratio was 4.41. So the conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that cassava cultivation at SMKN 1 Borong is feasible to continue because it provides benefits based on the feasibility criteria of the R/C value> 1 and provides economic benefits for program managers.


Efficiency; Development; Cassava; Vocational School; Borong

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ag.v9i2.19320

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